Tony vs. Paul - a stop motion film

Somewhere in my blog I have a link to this movie, and I found it again today while I was looking for something else. I think it is worth posting again.. so here it is.. I hope you like it. It took an enormous amount of physical work to make them look as though they are flying. Very clever!

Horsin' around

I made some new horse friends today. Here is a young colt I played with this afternoon. I had him follow me on the lead line, and moved him around with a gentle porcupine game, with lots of scratching and petting in between. He is quite sweet and very much a worrier, so I spent a lot of time kneeling down and letting him sniff my hair and my jacket. Having me down low like that really helped his confidence because each time I stood up and walked away he followed with less hesitation.

Here is his pasture-mate, a sweet filly who kept interrupting us by trying get in on the fun and games. Each time I would walk around the colt she would come up beside him and look over his back like this to see what I was doing. She would reach out and nuzzle my arm and head, smell my pockets and try to walk through the lead line her buddy was connected to. She is also the half sister to the little dude
Here you can see the mischievous one sticking her tongue out while the shy one looks on.
It was a beautiful day and I wish I had taken my camera with me.. luckily the cellphone camera saved the day with these few photos. I hope you had a good day too! :)