Started another painting

I don't know where I'm going with it yet.

The colors on the left side are left overs from the camera painting. I tried to mute them somewhat with white. The green was going to be used on the camera background before I changed my mind and went with the orange. There is a female figure penciled in on the bottom right. If you click on the picture you can see it a little better. I'm stuck at the moment.

Camera 3

Orange background after deciding that I didn't want to try and mix up a chartreuse-ish green. I don't want to appear like I am copying ideas here, but I knew that orange would make this pop nicely. I'm still undecided as to the shadowing on the lens but tonight I made it more purple so it would have the same feel as the rest of the camera. Maybe the trick is to make the side of the camera where the strap is a bit darker too. I'd like to know what ideas you have, so feel free to dispense your 2¢ in the comments section. Tanks!