A few videos worth watching

There isn't much I can add to what Bill Moyers has so eloquently stated in his T.V. journal. So without further ado please go and visit Bill Moyers Journal and watch the video about the making of the movie Playing for Change, then go to the Playing for Change website and get more information if you are interested.

A book written just for me

Brought to us by SPOGG the Society for the Promotion of Good Grammar. Hopefully I will benefit from reading this book as I'm sure my blog is overflowing with punctuation and grammatical errors. Help me SPOGG!

Here is the link to Amazon.

Unplugged from the internet today

I got this book earlier today and just finished it. What a sweet story!

If you want to read a blurb about it you can clicquez this link to Amazon.com

I keep looking at this and wondering what to do next. I have made changes to the figure in the lower right, but haven't photographed it yet because I'm too embarrassed to show it. I am stuck. help!

Don't do crock

Crocs... they're ugly on me and ugly on you too Steve-o. Ugly, ugly, ugly.
They are comfortable though, I'll give 'em that much.. but uglyyyyyyyy!

Sorry doods I didn't take this picture and I'm unable to give proper attribution.