The day went something like this...

Went to bed at 3:00 AM, woke up at 9:30 AM, went to Dr. to have my sore throat checked and cultured. Went to an undisclosed location for M's B-day present, got some lunch, and then spent 4 hours with Aristoitle. The best part of the day was the 4 hours with Aristoitle. .. oh, and finding out that I don't have strep.

I saw one of my art teachers on t.v. tonight.. way to go P! He is the kind of teacher that's there when you need him, but otherwise lets you do what you want as long as he sees you're not a flake. I had the best time in his classes.

My pup gets his stitches removed from his paw tomorrow morning. His foot has healed up very nicely and one can tell that he feels good all over because he is bright eyed and smiley again.

I have realized that I spend WAAAAYYY too much time on the Internet reading other peoples blogs and surfing. Time to clean up around here... my office looks like its been ransacked.

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