Also In Yesterday's Mail..

I also got an issue of Craft Magazine in the mail yesterday. This is a Japan Style "Super Cute" issue.. so if you like those little kitties on the cover and similar make-it-yourself style cutness this is your magazine. Make magazine also has lots of cool stuff to make, but projects often tend to be more on the techie-geeky side.. which is okay... but they don't give enough explanations with the projects for those people who are not too familiar with electronics for example. Both magazines are cool, and even if I don't make anything from the Craft magazine it always inspires me to start drawing and planning projects. There is an article in Craft about scanning art from existing t-shirts and then tweaking it to make your own. The shirts are called C shirts.. and while the URL I am trying to link to isn't working one can go there by pasting this:

The page loads in Japanese, but there is some English there as well.. I haven't gotten a chance to check it out yet. I think it's a good idea to get one's art out there.

If you like Blythe dolls there is an article in Craft about them dollies also.. So there ya go.

If you make anything from either Craft or Make magazine send me a link -I'd like to see what you made.


poopee shmoopee said...

sweet! that means mine should be comin' in the mail! YEEEEHAW! i love make and craft zines.

since i'm in school i haven't had time to try any of the projects. yet.

Mallow said...

I havent made anything either.. but for me sometimes looking at magazines like Craft and Make are needed to give me a jumpstart at doing SOMETHING. :/