Cash and prizes

Today I had my first review since starting at le magasin. I earned a good score, got a raise and lots of compliments from my supervisor. After the store closed we had a tasting of some new products. When we were finished with the tasting we were asked to cast a vote for our fellow employees who we thought were the: 1. most valuable team member, 2. most improved employee, 3. most helpful, 4. most helpful at customer service. I won the vote for most helpful with customer service and received a $25.00 gift card to Barnes and Noble. Nice!

When I came home from work this evening there was a package in the mailbox from the equestrian magazine that hosted the photography contest I had entered. I received a blue ribbon for my photograph, and a very nice camera strap. Yay!


Joyce's Blog said...

Congratulations !

Mallow said...

thank you!

poopee shmoopee said...

belated congratulations! i've been away from the blog circuit for a while.

Mallow said...

thanks poopee! Yep, I noticed you were gone from blogville-- glad you came back for a visit.