Oh people..

Why do I bother?

I'm tempted to end this blog and do my own thing elsewhere so I don't get any expectations from you visit the blog several times a day but say/ do nothing type people.

☹ ☹ ☹ ☹


Stephanie said...

...but then who would entertain me for free? :)

Mallow said...


Mallow said...

can you tell I was grumpy when i wrote that? now that i've checked my poll again tonight i'm grumpy+ +.

Anonymous said...

No, no, this blog can not go!
It is the most entertaining part of my day! It is an inspiration to be more creative.

Mallow said...

Thank you Heather! And thanks for speaking up too. Sometimes it starts to feel lonely out here when I see I have readers but little to no feedback.

Mary said...


Sorry -- I have not been able to check other blogs for about a month due to work, so I am slowly catching up.

I hope that you don't end the blog; or if you do that you send me a link to the new one :)

Also, I have been commenting like mad so you may regret your lack of comments once I get through with the past month of posts :)

Mallow said...

Thanks for your visit & comments, Mary.